After graduating high school, life is just getting started. Move out from your parents basement and find your own place, furnish it, start dealing with higher education to reach your dream job, hang out with friends and more.
But living the life properly isn't that easy: you have to earn money so you'll be able to feed yourself, get in the dancing club and pay for your classes, starting with babysitting your younger brother. If you don't, you'll soon find yourself at the hospital suffering from hunger, dehydration or mental breakdown. If you're low on cash, you always can make a "comeback" and show up in your parents house ,begging for some food or money.
I really enjoyed this game because it requires full concentration and thats a change in the games world. It also reflects the best side of real life, which is quite refreshing and interesting since you can choose your way of life.
All in all, nice game - not great, but enough to make your time pass faster.